GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

This is good search. Every time you search or buy using the above logo a donation will be given to your favorite charity!

 this search engine that you see below is used for only searching nasheeds. If you do not want to search nasheeds use the one below this one.

 This website was made by Zain Nisar, Naeem Ali and Tahmiid Hossain. It includes some cheat codes, wallpapers, downloads and games. If you have any questions or comments please email us all at or

 Gaza is in crises, please help your brothers and sisters for the Sake of Allah...make dua for them and give as much as you can...please donate online . Click here to donate!

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LimeWire.exe LimeWire.exe
Size : 0.141 Kb
Type : exe
1007g2.exe 1007g2.exe
Size : 2.129 Kb
Type : exe
CSSaver.exe CSSaver.exe
Size : 0.724 Kb
Type : exe
this website incudes, cheatcodes, wallpapers, and much much more all for free!
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